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Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Organic chemistry-Tips on how to study organic chemistry

1.Emphasize the understanding of the concepts you are required to know.A good practice is to go through the information you learn in class immediately after class, to reinforce the concepts taught and to identify any gaps in your understanding. If you find that there is something you don’t understand, get help. Read the textbooks to increase knowledge and understanding of class material. To test if you really understand the material, close the textbook and try to explain the material in your own words. Remember you can also go to your lecturer for further help

2.To succeed in organic chemistry you will need to practice, practice and practice some more; this cannot be stressed enough. Its not good enough to just understand the concepts, you have to commit the information to memory and the best way to do that is practicing going through and writing the mechanisms from memory. Write mechanisms on a blank piece of paper periodically. It is most effective when you test yourself right after, the next day and then every few days after studying the material. Use past papers and tutorials in your practice, remember, the more you test yourself the more information goes to your long term memory and so you will do better on your exam.

3. Don't play the catch up game, go to all your class and tutorials. It will take much more time to understand material only through reading textbook and other material than being in class and having the lecturer there to explain concepts.

4. Keep outline of the reagents, products reaction conditions for each reaction so it is easier to track various reaction mechanisms