Want a website that has tips guiding you to success on your college exams? Well this is it. We provide free advice, ebooks and other resources to help you excel in college. Even more, we add self improvement articles to help your personal development. Your own college advice can also be added, if so desired.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Tips to get better college chemistry grades

Ever wondered what on earth can you do to finally pull off a good grade in college? Well that is what I'll be addressing by giving these tips on how to study for a college exam:

-In class record almost everything, don’t wait on what you think is important. The teacher may view something as important which you didn’t , which puts you at a disadvantage.

-Attempt tutorials and try to attend as many as possible.

-The repetition of information and the practice will help your memory and your ability to get closer to that "A". Read over notes after class, as soon as possible. If you can get them, try to read notes before the class or read up on the topic in your textbook.

-Practice tutorials and past papers.Exam questions are often similar and are sometimes even recycled. Importantly , you should try to practice answering questions without looking at the notes after you have studied a topic. This technique boosts your long term memory.

-Review the material as soon as you can and review often . Place an emphasis on understanding and thinking about the material rather than mere recitation

-Try to pinpoint areas which are stressed during lectures. These are areas which your lecturer views as important and you will more than likely be tested on these areas.

-Keep handouts organized in a folder so it you will waste less time trying to find class material Take a front seat as you will be more focused , less likely to fall asleep and less likely to find people who talk a lot at these positions.

-Develop your own abbreviations when taking notes. This enables you to save some time and so you can keep up with the lecturer . Be careful, however, not to overdo this.

-Visualize the material and write down what you need to remember This aids memory as more senses are involved

-Keep a positive attitude . Visualize getting an excellent grade on your paper. You can make a poster with inspirational quotes , read inspirational stories or you can even listen to positive songs to lift your mood when you feel low . Do whatever you have to do to believe that you will do well on your exam

-Read information about study skills. Try buying one or borrowing a book from your library or friends.

-Concentrate during class. Doodling and talking with friends will cause you to lose valuable information and explanations.Time is then wasted by trying to figure concepts which were missed, by reading textbook repeatedly.

-When you write notes, ensure they are legible. Its easier to read and less time is spent trying to figure what is could be.

-If there is anything you don't understand, don't be afraid to go to your lecturer to have it clarified.

-When you've practiced your past papers,also see your lecturer to ensure your answers are in line with what he/she wants to be written.

Read more about studying for college here

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