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Tuesday, September 2, 2008

How to cram for a college exam-College college study tips

Though we all know its not the best way to study, we sometimes find our selves in situation were it seems it can not be avoided. Cramming must be done. When that happens use these tips for making the best use of the time you have to study.

You will have to pick the material to study. It isn’t possible to review all the material the night before. You will have to choose to study material to cover for the chemistry exam.

Make a plan as to what you need to study and follow that plan. Determine what you will need study and the time which you need to dedicate to this.

Recite the material many times. Try to use mnemonics, visuals and read the material aloud so that it sticks better

DON’T PANIC!!! You will only worsen the situation by doing this. Try to relax
If you find your self very anxious try these relaxation techniques :

Calm down by taking deep breaths and close your eyes ,concentrate on different areas of body, such as your feet, shoulders .Focus on how they feel, any tension present(if they are try to relax these muscles) and so on. Repeat for a different area of the body .

Reduce anxiety by thinking about a time and place in which you found it easy to relax, such as a vacation on the white sand beaches of Negril, Jamaica

Try to keep positive attitude. Believe that you will remember the information . Try not to criticize yourself for starting so late. This type of behavior is unhelpful

Try to avoid the use of caffeine to keep you awake throughout the night. Skipping valuable sleep will cause rob you of sleep which actually help memory, it might cause you to be jittery .